How to Make a Simple Budget Using Your Bullet Journal
This is not a blog for finances. I cannot offer specific information about how to invest money, create a magical envelope system, or use a snowball payment system to pay down your debt. However, during the time away from school, I am taking the time, like many of us, to look at my simple budget and make some goals during the school closures. A simple budget is something we all should be doing often. I love using my journal for everyday life. I find that there is something satisfying about having one page be journal writing and the next page to be my monthly budget. Our journals should be living documents of our lives. I like to break down steps and make goals that go into my monthly plans. Financial practices are a form of self-care. I feel like financial self-care is a place that opens a world for us in terms of new learning, growing in good habits, and making goals. In this post, I outline four simple steps to use your journal to create or review a simple budget.