Toddler Activities Ages 1-3: Colors

Exploring All the Colors of the Rainbow with Books, Activities, & Music

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This week is all about the colors of the rainbow! Colors are everywhere. When I was planning for this week, I didn’t want to make it too complicated. We are going to do many of our routine activities for the week with the goal in mind to be purposeful when talking about colors. For example, we are adding on to a bank of two-word combinations




The goal is to be more mindful in the hustle and bustle of the day to talk about colors, label colors as we see them, and try to work in some silly games that we may not have had in the plans originally. Our little one knows her colors already, but I am learning that language is all about confidence when it comes to speaking. I want to build her assurance when it comes to speaking, and also add on to the knowledge that she already has been working on so far. This post includes book recommendations, day-to-day activities for the morning, and some links to music from YouTube to get you and your little one moving.


Toddler Activities Ages 1-3: Feelings

Toddler Activities Ages 1-3: All About Me & Affirmations

Work from Home Mama and Toddler Learning Routines

Books for Storytime

We read in the morning, around naptime, and at bedtime. I want to make sure that books that surround this week’s theme are in the rotation. Here are some that I love:

Our favorites that stay in the rotation are the Priddy board books and the Ladybug books. Any books can become books about colors, but these are the ones that are our favorites.

Activities for the Week


  • Letters B- Make poster, watch video, practice words, and hang up the poster

  • Toddler-Led Coloring- Explore colors by working on some Mess Free! coloring books. Talk about colors and work on two-word combinations like red-marker and blue-picture

  • Color Storytime- Grab the stack of books from above and dive in!


  • Letter C-Make poster, watch video, practice words, and hang up the poster

  • Sensory Table- Place the sensory bin or table in the sink, and add some colors! We like to add animal figurines, different colors of spoons, and pop-its.

  • Color Sorting-Get organized by helping to put different colors in different cups. We take our big bag of markers and sort them out.


  • Letter D- Make poster, watch video, practice words, and hang up the poster

  • Play Red Light, Green Light- Get moving with red light green light. This is also reinforcing the ideas of stop and go.

  • Sidewalk Chalk-Label colors on the ground with different chalk!


Example Alma Thomas Paintings

Summer at Its Best, 1968, Michael Rosenfeld Gallery

The Eclipse, 1970, Smithsonian American Art Museum

Colors Songs on YouTube

Writing Mindset Reflection: What activities do you like to do with your little one to talk about colors?

Stephanie Hampton

A dedicated educator with over a decade of experience in public education, specializing in English Language Arts, writing instruction, and using mentor texts in the classroom. Stephanie currently works as an educational consultant. When she isn’t talking about teaching, she is with her family, spending time journaling, and enjoying a fresh cup of coffee.


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